360ways an around the world bicycle trip.
5000 for Health Promoting Health and Fitness for Canadianswww.5000forhealth.com
Aboriginal Women On The Move www.aboriginalwomenonthemove.org
Adventure Unicyclist www.adventureunicyclist.com
American Rediscovery 6 middle schoolers, 2 teachers and a film maker ride 5000 miles across America tracing the route of Lewis and Clark's expedition.www.americanrediscovery.com
Amsterdam to India A journey on a recumbent bikewww.cycletoindia.nl
Angus Adventures First Human Powered Circumnavigation of the Earthwww.angusadventures.com
backintheworld.com Stories and awesome photos from an ongoing trip around the world by bicyclewww.backintheworld.com
BEE Japan Bicycle for Everyone's Earthwww.beejapan.org
BikeTour4GoodHope A biketour from Germany to Cape Townwww.biketour4goodhope.de
Biking for Breath Raising funds for the Lung Associationbikingforbreath.blogspot.com
Canning Stock Route by Bike 2005 wildworks.co.nz/csr
City To Source a trip up and down the Bow River from Calgary to the river's source and back.www.bikeforest.com/canoe
Couchbike a trip through Maritime Canada on a human powered couch.www.bikeforest.com/cb/cb.php
CYCLE.WILD.NET.AU Bicycle based social change campaignswww.cycle.wild.net.au
Deanna Dares Epilepsy deannadares.blogspot.com
The Ditty Bops Bike Tour thedittybopsbiketour.blogspot.com
DownTheRoad.org Bicycle touring around the world and bike tour travel in pictureswww.downtheroad.org
EcoCycle two friends bicycling across Canadawww.cogev.com/ecocycle
Family on a bike www.familyonabike.org
George Kuan - Around the World in 80 Cycles www.kuan.com
GlobeCycle.org www.globecycle.org
Images of the World a series of educational, multicultural school assembly slide show programs, lyceums and books by the husband and wife team of Bruce B. Junek and Tass Thacker, created to share their experiences of adventure travels around the world.www.imagesoftheworld.com
Impressions from bicycle travels www.projection3.com
Jim Foreman's Cycling Stories www.jimforeman.com/Stories/cycling.htm
Karen 'n' Ben's Tandem World Tour www.karennben.com
Metal Cowboy www.metalcowboy.com
Mountainbike Expedition Team www.mountainbike-expedition-team.com
Next-Generation Cross Canada Tourwww.next-generation.ca
One Wheel - Many Spokes USA by Unicyclewww.onewheel.org
The Otesha Project www.otesha.ca
Peace Bike Biking the globe. Connecting kids. Building peace.www.peacebike.org
Pedal2Paradise A family's ride across the USAwww.pedal2paradise.com
Penny Farthing World Tour www.pennyfarthingworldtour.com
PlanetByBike.com www.planetbybike.com
Push For The Cure Longboarding across Canadapushforthecure.com
Roads To Resources A winter bike trip in Canada's Arcticwww.bikeforest.com/arctic
Round the World by Bicycle www.roundtheworldbybike.com
Rowing Across Canada www.rowingacrosscanada.com
Tour Para Bien Estar Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, Argentinawww.tourparabienestar.com
Tri Cycling Africa www.tricyclingafrica.com
Unicycle Max Six states, one wheelwww.unicyclemax.com
Wandering Wickershams 'round the world at 10mph on a tandem bicyclewanderingwickershams.com
webExpeditions.net Expeditions Gatewaywww.webexpeditions.net
Y2Ktravels.com www.y2ktravels.com
The Yak The story of Claude Marthaler and his round the world bike tripwww.redfish.com/yak