Archive for March, 2012

Steven and Chris

Friday, March 16th, 2012

Today was the 500th episode of CBC’s Steven and Chris. It was an honour to have the Treadmill Bike and Couchbike featured on this special show. It was fun to sit in the audience and see how the show is actually put together each day. Getting called down to sit on the couch with Steven and Chris was also a fun surprise.

Treadmill Bike on Steven and Chris Brent on Steven and Chris

Couchbike on Steven and Chris

Hello from NAHBS

Sunday, March 4th, 2012

Brent and Bruce at BikeCAD booth at NAHBS 2012

Things have been going well in the BikeCAD booth at the North American Handmade Bicycle Show. I’ll be doing a seminar on BikeCAD at 1pm. Hoping for a good turnout for that.

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